Tahapan, Proses, dan Keuntungan serta Kelemahan Penyelesaian Sengketa Melalui Litigasi

Penyelesaian sengketa melalui litigasi artinya menggunakan pengadilan berikut sistem peradilan sipil untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

What is Telex Visa? Find Out More Detail about Telex Visa in Indonesia

To make a business visa in Indonesia need the telex visa? Find out more details about the information of telex visa in Indonesia. Before obtaining a business visa, you need the telex visa. This telex visa term may sound unfamiliar to many foreigners who want to stay in Indonesia. Find out more detail about telex visa in Indonesia. What is Telex Visa? Before...

Senin, 29 Oktober 2018

Indonesia: FDI By Sector

Before we start discussing Indonesia FDI by sector, let’s focus on FDI first. FDI stands for “Foreign Direct Investment”. This investment is usually made by a firm or an individual in terms of business. With this investment, they can expand their business from their own country to another. In short, when an investor starts a foreign business or acquires its business...

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

Guide to Oil & Gas Working Permit Recommendation Letter Suspension in Indonesia

Oil & gas is one of the most lucrative work fields in Indonesia, with a specific set of requirements for working permit application. However, Indonesian Ministry of Labor has suspended recommendation letter requirement for working permit in Indonesia, starting at the beginning of February 2018. Since recommendation letters had been required for every foreign worker...